Joseph Gulizia
- What aspect of being in nature is most important to you?
- Tell us about your favorite adventure?
- Who do you enjoy spending the day out with?
- Share a podcast/article/book/movie that you have enjoyed lately
The community is the most important thing to me. It doesn't matter if I am in nature with my partner or friends, the conversations are always challenging and allow for personal growth. Nature takes me away from my daily constraints which brings opportunities of creative freedom.
The adventure itself is hard to summarize in words, but when I was spending time in Southeast Asia some friends and I decided it would be epic to buy and ride horses in Mongolia. We spent a month and a half on horseback just riding the open plains, following rivers and creeks, camping where we wanted, and meeting the local nomadic people. It was an adventure of a lifetime and I try to encourage any to take their dream trip, there will be struggles along the way. It doesn't matter what ups or downs come, it will always be worth it.
My partner Margaux and I are often out adventuring. We spend our time hiking, surfing, and camping as much as possible. Trying to take in as many days of sun as possible!
Armchair Expert