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Warm weather trekking

Reading Time 5 Minutes
Is trekking in hot weather a good idea?
Fjällräven Global Event Manager Carl Hård af Segerstad certainly thinks so. Check out his tips for managing heat on the trail.

Being outdoors and working up a sweat on a hot day has its good and bad sides, which Carl Hård af Segerstad knows all too well. As Fjällräven’s Global Event Manager, he has a lot of experience trekking in different parts of the world. This is due in part to Fjällräven Classic, which has expanded from its origins in the Scandinavian wilderness to warmer climates, like the backcountry of Colorado and Jeju island in South Korea.

Dry heat. In Colorado, USA, it can get very hot but you’ll be able to regulate your body temperature quite easily.

Getting a bit dirty and sweaty is just part of it, and I think it’s really important to get out of your comfort zone sometimes.

Carl Hård af Segerstad

Carl describes himself (with a tiny touch of shame) as one of those people who ‘sweats like a roasting piglet’ when he is out in the heat. If anyone would know tricks that can make trekking in the heat easier, it would be him.

“Trekking can feel a lot harder if you aren’t used to the heat,” says Carl. “I usually have a top that I trek in and then another that I can change into afterwards. Sometimes I even have an extra one forthe trail as well, becausewhen my top gets so wet it is dripping onto my trousers, it’s nice to change.”

“Even if the sunscreen runs off while you sweat, the right clothing will give you good protection,”

Carl Hård af Segerstad,

This in mind, Fjällräven is continuing its development of gear that excels in warm climates. Light, ventilating, odour resistant and sun protecting, the Abisko product family in particular features airy and versatile garments for warm-weather trekking. Made with durable fabrics like G-1000 Air Stretch and functional details like rollable leg endings and adjustable collars, the gear provides optimal and long-lasting protection – all without harmful chemicals that deteriorate with use, washing and time.
“Even if the sunscreen runs off while you sweat, the right clothing will give you good protection,” says Carl.

Drink water
Speaking of sweating, another thing to think about when you are trekking in the heat is that we lose a lot of fluid, so we have to drink a lot to replace it. A basic tip is to drink regularly and start drinking early on.
How do you know you’re drinking enough water? Keep an eye on your bladder. If you are urinating regularly and it is a normal colour, then all is well. If you don’t need to go or your urine is dark and strong smelling, you are on your way to becoming dehydrated. Even not needing to move your bowels can be a sign of dehydration. “If it is a really hot and dry heat, you mightn’t always notice how much you are sweating as it dries so fast on your skin, so it’s hard to understand how much fluid you are losing,” says Carl.
Treks lasting several days require consistent access to water, so Carl always carries some kind of water filter with him for drinking from streams when he isn’t sure about the quality. It is also good practice to replace electrolytes lost through sweat with sports drinks and rehydration tablets.
“You have to carry a little more when you need a lot of water. During Fjällräven Classic we make sure there is water available along the way, and if there are sections where you can’t refill, we tell people in advance. Anytime you are going trekking, work out where water is available, so you know how much you need.”

Protection from the sun and rain
In tropical climates, oftentimes conventional shell garments aren’t much use as heat and moisture that come from the outside can get inside. In this case, Carl opts for his poncho or even an umbrella:
“Taking an umbrella trekking might sound like a weird suggestion, but it is perfect when it’s pouring down. It also provides great sun protection. There isn’t much difference between an umbrella and a parasol after all.”
He namechecks Fjällräven Classic USA and Korea as the events with the warmest conditions:
“These treks go far above sea level, where the sun is really strong, and can easily reach 30-degrees Celsius in exposed places. It’s hot and sweaty for sure. Honestly, even a sunny day during Fjällräven Classic Denmark can be a really hot experience.
I would definitely wear a cap, sunglasses and a neck gaiter as well. If you are someone who sweats a lot, it’s a good idea to attach a small towel to the front of your backpack so you can dry your face.”

Embrace the experience (even if it becomes difficult)
No matter how pleasant, a multi-day trek in hot weather can inevitably lead to some irritating scenarios. The important part to remember is that there are always solutions!
Chafing, for example, can happen between our thighs or under the arms where they rub against your abdomen. The risk of this increases when it is hot and humid, but Carl has advice regarding gear:
“If you are prone to chafing, there are two ways you can go. Either wear tight fitted clothing, or loose airy clothing. Your backpack’s hip belt and shoulder straps can also easily lead to chafing if they are damp. Keep an eye on them and adjust as soon as you feel even an inkling of discomfort. Equipment is only as good as the way it is used.”
Today there are all sorts of body glide products that can be used to reduce the risk of chafing. Carl cautions however, that if you are prone to this issue, it is hard to protect yourself completely. Just like you can’t count on trekking without sweating at all or staying dry in a tropical downpour.
In these cases, Carl advises doing your best to just take in the experience and enjoy yourselfwith the knowledge that you’ll change into something clean and dry when the trek is over.
As he says, “Don’t expect to be able to stay as fresh as a flower the whole time. Getting a bit dirty and sweaty is just part of it, and I think it’sreally important to get out of your comfort zone sometimes. You learn more about yourself and it’s usually only for a little while anyway. It’s something you can make use of in other parts of your life as well.”

Published April 2024

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