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Tervetuloa Fjällräven Experience -sivustolle. Olitpa sitten kokenut eränkävijä, aloitteleva retkeilijä tai muuten vain utelias luonnossa liikkuja, toivomme, että pääset kauttamme hyvin alkuun ja menoon mukaan.

Tapaa yksinvaeltaja J.R. Harris
Lue koko tarina
​Rinkan pakkaaminen
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Katso täältä kaikki ajankohtaiset tapahtumat, joita järjestämme alueellasi. Ilmoittaudu rohkeasti mukaan!
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Campfire Event


Alla olevan kartan avulla näet aktiviteetit, tapahtumat ja myymälät sijaintisi perusteella. Symboleita klikkaamalla saat lisätietoja.


Tapaa paikalliset Fjällräven-oppaasi ja -ystäväsi. Retkeilyn asiantuntijat ja harrastajat kertovat mielellään lisää.
Silja Jaakola
Fjällräven Friend
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Olen luontointoilija pohjoisesta. Ammatiltani olen ensihoitaja, minkä lisäksi toimin sotilaslääkinnän kouluttajana. Rakastan seikkailla luonnossa, jossa onkin tullut vietettyä aikaa jo ihan pienestä pitäen. Retkeilyn lisäksi sydäntä lähellä ovat myös valokuvaus ja kirjoittaminen, jotka saan yhdistettyä näppärästi sosiaalisen median avulla. Tykkään jakaa seuraajilleni retkeilyvinkkejä sekä inspiroivia tunnelmia omilta seikkailuiltani. Retkeilystä on tullut minulle itselleni jo lähes elämäntapa, ja retkeilenkin useita kertoja viikossa - niin tuntureilla kuin lähimetsissäkin. Tavoitteenani on levittää ilmoille iloista seikkailufiilistä sekä innostaa ihmisiä lähtemään ulos luontoon!
Valtteri Hirvonen
Fjällräven Friend
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Hi I'm Valtteri, an Outdoor oriented professional photographer! Born in North-Karelia, Finland and spent my whole childhood in the woods doing different activities all year around with my parents and grandparents. I’ve always been enthusiastic about nature and can’t remember ever being indoors as a child. Always up for an adventure. Long or short, south or north.
Pata Degerman
Fjällräven Friend
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Professional Finnish explorer and award-winning keynote speaker, I, Patrick “Pata” Degerman am determined and unstoppable. To date, I have summited over 200 mountains in Antarctica, Greenland and the Himalayas and climbed 24 first ascents in some of the world’s most challenging environments. I’ve completed 47 expeditions throughout the Arctic circle, 7 in Antarctica, expeditions in the wild jungles of Amazonas, Borneo, and Costa Rica, and five deserted islands in the Pacific. Each tough journey takes up to three years of planning, mental preparation, and grueling physical training—and I’m not finished yet. 10. My purpose is fueled by witnessing the impact of climate change firsthand and realizing that we need urgent collective action to protect our planet. With each expedition, I return to Finland armed with firsthand accounts and photographs of melting glaciers and shrinking wildlife habitats in the world’s most vulnerable regions. Shaken by the rapid changes, I have spent the past 23 years delivering keynote speeches to businesses and schools throughout Finland. I share my stories, images, and strategies with humor and passion, raising awareness of the growing climate crisis and inspiring a new generation of environmental keepers.
Alyse VanRamele
Fjällräven Guide
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Nature is and has always been a part of me. It lives and breathes within my blood and bones. Growing up in small towns close to nature, I played in the creeks - barefoot and wild. In these creeks is where nature and I became friends. Little did I know how much I would rely on this intimate friend later on in life. In my early adolescent years, I was diagnosed with a chronic pain disease to which I found difficult to treat. I re-connected into my: what I knew best and re-found my comforting companion with nature ultimately educating and nourishing myself to good health. It is because of this earthly practice, after a few years, that I am now able to live a fulfilling and almost pain free life. Since then, I continue with my studies ensuring a formal education in botanical properties and plant biology. In addition to my studies as one half of my practice, the other half is aimed to wake up and connect people intimately with their own personal relationship to nature through plant based medicines, ritual, and awareness. It’s important for me to highlight that we are not only a part of nature but that we play a part in nature, inherently. Although I share my knowledge to all different audiences, working with children is my absolute dream. I love imparting wisdom and sharing my knowledge with kids to help them understand their own personal connection with nature showing them that nature not only helps us, but that we all can help in return and continue live in natural rhythms with the earth. I truly believe that we are all inter-connected with our environment naturally, and now is the most relevant and important time to acknowledge and act on this. In addition to sharing my knowledge and other skills, I travel both regionally and globally to collaborate with other crafters and practitioners of the same belief within different cultures. As a group we share each other’s wisdom of taking care of nature and how nature takes care of us. Together we develop workshops where we teach kids skills and knowledge so that they can learn and apply this wisdom within their local communities instilling inspiration, curiosity, resilience and self-awareness.
Anna Blackwell
Fjällräven Friend
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My love of the outdoors and pushing my limits has led to me completing heaps of adventures since 2015, from kayaking 4000km across Europe, to walking 16000km across France and Spain solo, and trekking 1000km across Arctic and Northern Scandinavia solo. I share my adventures through writing, photography, speaking and films. In 2021 I launched The Wild Girls’ Club, a series of films featuring myself and a few girlfriends, focusing on the joy of adventuring in wild places with like-minded people!
Anthony Wolbert
Fjällräven Guide
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Former athlete enjoying time hiking one hill at a time, inspiring future generations.
Ben Morgan
Fjällräven Polar Alumni
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Clare Dyson
Fjällräven Friend
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Hello! I'm an enthusiastic, friendly, positive person who walks a line between people and nature.



Abisko Hike Foldsack

Abisko Hike Foldsack

€ 179,00

Monipuolinen ja kevyt reppu sopii täydellisesti päiväretkille ja matkoille. Valmistettu ilman PFAS-yhdisteitä.


EXPLORE Privat natur

A project by Fjällräven Friend, Jens Assur

Learn more


Kotonaan luonnossa? Retkeily on helppoa, kun sen osaa. Opi ja inspiroidu kokemuksistamme.