Whether you're a seasoned trekker looking for adventure, want to find a trail to hike this weekend or are just curious about outdoor life in general, we hope this will be a good place to start.

Here is a selection of current events we are organizing in your area. Don’t hesitate to sign up!
Trekking in the footsteps of bygone shepherds and pack ponies, you'll travel through traditional Lakeland villages, pass Neolithic landmarks and camp by rivers and lake shores. Welcome to the high fells and valleys of England’s Lake District. This trek offers three days of trekking in the National park with Englands Highest peak, and the vertical climb will not pass without notice. Each night we will seek shelter in the valleys. The combination gives a great mix and a beautiful trek.
Muncaster Castle
2025/09/09, 08:00
Er du klar til at give dine Fjällräven bukser nyt liv? Kom med til et eksklusivt event hos Spejder Sport RETUR, hvor vi viser dig hvordan du kan forstærke, reparere eller forny dine favoritbukser! ✂️
Få din egen unikke stil! Tilføj en farverig lap eller en ekstra lomme – alt materiale er til rådighed i butikken. Vores erfarne skræddere guider dig gennem processen, så du får bukser, der ikke kun er funktionelle, men også helt personlige.
Spejder Sport RETUR
2025/03/18, 16:30