Whether you're a seasoned trekker looking for adventure, want to find a trail to hike this weekend or are just curious about outdoor life in general, we hope this will be a good place to start.
Here is a selection of current events we are organizing in your area. Don’t hesitate to sign up!
Deep in the Colorado Backcountry. Building on the inspiration and magic behind the Fjällräven Swedish Classic, we launched the Fjällräven US Classic in 2016. Travel through the Colorado mountains, cross over flowing streams, and enjoy the company of like-minded outdoor enthusiasts who are seeking to learn more about protecting our environment and enjoy nature.
Starting at 9,200 ft The USA Classic course ascends 2,500 ft up a historic wagon trail through Colorado pine forest.
2025/07/21, 14:00
On Saturday, December 14th 2024, join us at the Fjällräven Brand Store in Amsterdam for a special store-garden event from 14:00 to 17:30. Our garden will transform into a bushcrafting Christmas market with various stalls, featuring workshops led by professional instructors from siegurd.nl, extremesurvival.nl, bushpapa.nl, and others. Learn skills like fire-making, how to make a stove out of a tin, paracord bracelets making and much more. You can enjoy freshly baked Swedish snacks, tea, and glühwein to keep yourself warm. Every registered attendee will receive a Fjällräven key ring and a scratch-off gift card with a chance to win up to a €100 voucher! Sign up now and don’t miss this festive event!
Fjällräven Brand Center Amsterdam
2024/12/14, 13:00
Er du klar til at give dine Fjällräven bukser nyt liv? Kom med til et eksklusivt event hos Spejder Sport RETUR, hvor vi viser dig hvordan du kan forstærke, reparere eller forny dine favoritbukser! ✂️
Få din egen unikke stil! Tilføj en farverig lap eller en ekstra lomme – alt materiale er til rådighed i butikken. Vores erfarne skræddere guider dig gennem processen, så du får bukser, der ikke kun er funktionelle, men også helt personlige.
Spejder Sport RETUR
2025/03/18, 16:30